Alejandro Cuauhtemoc
Alejandro Cuauhtemoc
Alejandro Cuauhtemoc

Alejandro Cuauhtemoc


1 story

Alejandro Cuauhtemoc

Alejandro Cuauhtemoc

Data analysis

1 story

The Apriori algorithm
Alejandro Cuauhtemoc

Alejandro Cuauhtemoc

Interviews insights

1 story

Alejandro Cuauhtemoc

Alejandro Cuauhtemoc

Growth Marketing

1 story

An illustration of an Airbnb Facebook ad with a photo of the author, a logo formula illustration, and a breakdown of the ad with arrows.
Alejandro Cuauhtemoc

Alejandro Cuauhtemoc

Let’s talk about gossip in the business strategy & technology worlds. I am Strategy Lead at DiDi in the Bay Area xoxo